I am so frustrated with nasty attitudes at work and constant back-biting!! I signed on to work at this hospital a few months ago and it is the absolute worse place Ive ever worked at. None of the nurses seem to like each other and everyone is always talking about one another. I come in and noone speaks, everyone comes in with bad attitudes and will barely speak in the mornings! I have done travel and agency nursing before and am considering going back to that. Im so tired of the politics that go along with being a staff nurse. I always have to stay late just to get my work done because I have to many patients, I know sometimes we do have to work a little over but I stay over by atleast an hour or more every single day I work! I am so tired of working at this place and working with inconsiderate nurses!!!!!! I have been a nurse for almost 9 yrs and honestly this place has made me think about getting out of the profession! Just had to get all that out..phew I feel better now!!