Interesting reading: Economy may impact nursing shortage -- positively - CHARLESTON, SC NEWS - LIVE 5 WCSC Breaking News, Weather, Sports

The nursing profession was recognized this week for "National Nurses Week." Experts say the economy in recession has actually helped what was once a nursing shortage.

For one new nurse in Charleston, the new job has given her a new sense of purpose.

With one year's experience under her belt, registered nurse Stephanie Browder says her job is among the most rewarding experiences of her life.

"You just see it in their face that they appreciate what you're doing for them," said Browder. She says it took patience finding a job after graduation.

"I did resumes to all of the area hospitals and offices. Trident was the only to reply. That's how packed they were," said Browder.

Assistant Chief Nursing Officer at Trident Medical Center Bridget Denzik says the Charleston area, once the victim of a nursing shortage years ago, now has a saturated market.

"Nurses in previous years may only have worked part time or PRN, which is as needed. Now some of those nurses have come back into the workforce full time. A lot of that is based on the economy," said Denzik.

And there has been a spike in the profession's popularity. There's a waiting list for positions and up to a two year waiting list to get into nursing schools in the area.

According to Nursing World, right now there are more than 3 million nurses in the country, and the profession ranks first for the occupation with the largest growth for the past decade.

To celebrate nursing week at Trident Medical Center they had a cake decorating and tasting contest. It's all part of the job that new nurses like Browder love about their job. And she's willing to share advice with anyone trying to get into the profession.

"Keep going because it eventually happens, and it's the greatest accomplishment anyone could have," said Browder.

One area nursing experts say that there is a shortage in the field for nursing instructors, saying those with the experience to teach are now at retirement age.