Why are male patients not afforded the same level of privacy considerations that female patients recieve. There should be no difference. All patients
should be given the same considerations. The patient bill of rights clearly
states that a patient has a right to dignity and privacy and that it's not
gender specific.
Please don't tell me that it dosen't happen or that you don't see it
in your workplace. What I want to know is why. Is this just a feminist
prevalent attitude that was just taught in nursing school or is it just an
upbringing. After recently being hospitalized twice in the last month at a
prestigous hospital (mayo) this issue became apparent. When I arrived to
my room in the emergency department I was asked to change into a gown.
My room had big glass windows. Two nurses stood at the doorway and
gigled as visitors and guests walked by as I was changing. They didn't bother
to pull the drape. I was in a lot of pain and just complied although I should
have said something. Once I was admitted it got worse. All total I had 7
nurses (female) and not one seemed to care about my privacy. I just
like my privacy thats all. I've done a little research on this and found
that on several state nursing boards that this is grounds for license
revocation. I find this disturbing and I what I want to do is speak to as many
people as I can about this. I'm willing to bet this attitude is prevalent
throughout all institutions.