Sunday, 16 January 2005: Self-Care: Why Is It So Hard?:"Although self-care activities should be common sense, "nurses often tend to put everyone else's needs ahead of their own [and are] so caught up in their professional life and its demands that they don't seem to have the time or energy to take care of themselves" (Swanson, 2004, p. 8). Some work environments actually seem to promote self-neglect. Such environments are recognizable by "hall talk," which goes something like this: "Oh, I'm just frantic this week; I have so many deadlines I couldn't accomplish them if I cloned myself 10 times.""I know what you mean, I haven't eaten dinner with my family once this week, and tonight will be no exception.""My work weeks typically average 55 to 60 hours, and I still can't seem to get on top of the demands."

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Andrew Lopez, RN