If you're a nurse, like I was, your friends and family probably think you have it made. There is a huge demand for nurses everywhere right now. The need far surpasses the supply. And the pay is definitely above average. The benefits are great and of course, people outside a profession tend to see only the things they envy. If they only understood the demands of the nursing profession, they'd realize why there is a shortage of nurses. They would know exactly what the phrase "nurse burnout" means.

You know what it's really like to be a constant care giver, always putting the needs of our patients first, and keeping the caring, constant reassurance going. Even if you're halfway through a long 12 hour shift and you just wish you could lie down in bed yourself and have someone take care of you.
Despite your compassion for people who are sick, it can be depressing to spend long hours every day watching them suffer and even die. Understandably, patients can be difficult. But being in constant companionship with sick people can cause you to become negative and even sick yourself. It just isn't good for your health to do nothing but give, give, give. Believe me I know, I did 3 years on the night shift in a high stress Pediatric ICU.
And On top of that, patients' family members are anxious and upset, and they often look to you for answers because they can't get in touch with their doctor or they don’t understand what the doctor just told them.
Well it was at this point in my life that I decided to take a stand and find a way to use my highly desirable traits to work in a venue that will give me a more positive outlook on life! And be able to take care of myself while still giving and helping others. There is a way you can do this as well without nursing. A way to have plenty of energy for terrific parties and a way to use your people skills for positive and productive interaction. And of course, the big benefit a way to learn how you can make your yearly income a monthly income!
What I’m talking about is a home business. A system that is already in place and all you have to do is follow the system. You already have what it takes to develop a home business that can take you beyond your wildest dreams, and we'll provide the expertise of pros who have already worked out the details of what you need to do to succeed. All you need to do is implement their ideas.
What equipment will you need? You probably already have it: a computer, a phone, and an Internet connection. The Internet gives your business international exposure, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's like being located on the biggest street corner in the world, with over 300 million potential customers.
What can this opportunity mean for you? First, you'll be working in the comfort of your own home. You'll be in touch with others who are upbeat, enthusiastic and eager to see you succeed personally and financially. No more long shifts, arrogant superiors, workplace conflicts, or negative vibes.
As a home business owner, you'll decide when you will work and for how long. If you're tired, you can take a nap and return to "work" when you feel refreshed. If you want to go to the gym or the stores when they aren't crowded, you can do it. You can eat what you want to instead of settling for hospital cafeteria food. Your care-giving can be for your own family and for yourself. As the owner of your own home business, you will truly have your own autonomy, and the potential for financial success is unlimited.
You can start your business while you're still working. I definitely did. And in a few short months I was able to leave my nursing job. I have now been doing this full time, 25 hours a week for the past 18 months. I’m betting that you'll be so thrilled with the results that you'll decide to quit your "day job" entirely.
Ready to find out more? You can visit my website to learn more about me and through that you can begin to see what is possible for you. I look forward to speaking with you soon!
To your success.