I've been hearing this question a lot from students and their parents at work and via e-mail from my website http://www.nursefriendly.com

I'm having a hard time recommending Nursing right now.

For a young woman of college age, there are too many other fields they can go into that have higher pay, more respect, better working conditions and less stress. Can't see myself recommending a job that will leave them close to tears at the end of each day.

I know what things are like on the floors by personal experience and listening to my wife (an ICU nurse) vent each day.

We have a daughter who will grow up with both her parent Registered Nurses in active practice. Will we encourage her to go into Nursing?

My wife swears she won't pay for her schooling if she wants to go into a Nursing program. I'd be willing to let her try it, but I'd open her eyes to the field and tell her exactly what to expect in detail before she ever stepped foot in a classroom.

What's your opinion? I don't consider myself burned out, or bitter. I like giving patient care and don't plan on giving it up entirely ever. I am concerned about conditions that I can only see as getting worse over time.

How would you advise people who ask you this?

Andrew Lopez, RN