Yet another (!) Mod takes a hike? Doesn't surprise me at all. First Amanda, now Hppy. Then again, Andrew bugged out around the time the Original Owner wigged out. Cali? Well, she just walked away along with SoldierNurse.

All I can say is I know that the NEW owners HAVE been on lately, and am sure they have seen what all has been going on. Not really sure why there has been no communication on what they think. Obviously, that (in and of itself) IS a comment.

In the past, I have dedicated much time in posting articles, etc., and at NO time have I been compensated for my trouble....not even a THANK YOU (well, in the past 3 years). Talk about (non)gratitude.

Sorry to see you go, Hppy. We'll keep in touch. Guess we'll leave this site to the NON nursing owners.