Quote Originally Posted by hppygr8ful View Post
This is exactly why my facebook is for family communication only. I think I have one or two friends who are nurses there, but since I post only things I'd let my mother see it's not a problem. My facebook and and online recovery persona are two different people who will never meet in the cyber world. I know lots of people in recovery who post all their struggles on facebook - with pictures to boot - What happened to anonymity. Plus I have heard of several nurses who lost their jobs because of their very public antics on sites like facebook and You Tube etc..... I worked hard to get my license in the first place and then had to fight even harder to keep it when my life fell apart 7 years ago.

Cougar I hope your feeling better, I only had two calls from the on-call switchboard last night and they were my patients anyways so at least I knew them. I'll be taking DS out to Karate soon.....then trying to get the house straightened out for the holidays.......

Peace and Namaste

I agree with you to a great extent HappyGrateful,
I went to treatment (again) a while back and now all of the people I made friends with are Facebooking. We are fairly discreet about our status as Recovering people. But one of us started a private group only for those of us who have attended this program within a given timeframe. That seems to work because only invitees can join. I also started a private group for my nurse friends.

About anonymity...I just don't subscribe to that. Although I DO respect that of others, my goal (and I am an activist about this) is for people to come out of the proverbial closet. Research dollars are given to those who have a strong voice. So I try to ATTRACT rather than promote, and I share my story as much as possible...due to Step 12...trying to carry the message to others. I talk about a suicide attempt in addiction and I invite others to tell their stories on my other blogs.

I do respect your decision. That is part of my program as well. And I admire your commitment as well. Keep on truckin' Happy"grateful"